Zen M111 Triple Sim GSM is an upcoming mobile Phone in India. The Zen M111 support a 2.4-inch QVGA display with 240 x 320 pixels screen resolution, 1.3MP Camera, video player/recording, FM Radio, 3.5 mm jack, internal memory and 8GB external memory support.
Zen M111 Triple SIM has Bluetooth, WAP, EDGE enabled and supports USB, PC Sync connectivity. Powered by 1500 mAh battery for long backup and up to 5 hours of talk time.
See here full features and technical specifications of Zen M111 Triple SIM price in India ( including Bangalore, Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai and other cities in India), you are in right place. Please view complete details below before going to buy this mobile.
Zen M111 Triple SIM Feature and Specification :-
- Dimensions:
- Network: 2G
- Triple SIM GSM
- Display: 2.4-inch QVGA Display
- 320 x 240 pixels screen resolution
- 1.3 MP Camera
- 3.5 mm jack
- Battery: 1500mAh Standard
- Bluetooth, USB, EDGE, WAP, PC Sync connectivity
- Built-In Torch
- FM Radio
- Internal memory
- Multi format Music Player
- Talk time: 5 hours
- up to 8GB External memory support
- Video player/Recording
- Weight: 90g
Zen M111 Triple SIM Price in India :-
not officialy announced.