Spice company has recently launched Spice Mi350 Mobile in indian market. Spice Mi350 has comes up with 3.5 inch touchsceen display. This smart phone has powered by Android OS 2.3. Spice Mi350 mobile equipped with 5 MP camera, Qualcomm 600 MHz processor, 512MB RAM/ROM, expandable memory, multimedia and more amazing features.
Spice Mi350 has supports 3G network, Wi-Gi, Bluetooth connectivity, GPS, and gravity and proximity sensor, audio player, video player , Fm radio. Spice Mi350 good battery backup and powered by 1500mAH. Today we will discuss more technical features and specification in this article.
Spice Mi350 Features and Specification :-
- Network: 3G
- Dual SIM GSM
- Dimension:114.8×62.8×14.7 mm
- OS: Android 2.3
- Processor: Qualcomm MSM7227-1 (600Mbps) Processor
- Display: 3.5 inch Capacitive touchscreen
- 480 x 320 pixels resolution
- Audio Player
- Battery: 1500 mAh Battery
- Camera: 5.0 MP
- External Memory: Up to 32 GB
- FM Radio
- Internal Memory: 512MB RAM/ROM
- Proximity, Gravity sensor
- Standby Time:
- Talk Time:
- Video Player
- Weight:
- Wi-FI, Bluetooth, USB, WAP/GPRS
Spice Mi350 Price in India :-
Spice Mi350 Price in India Rs. 9,000/- ( Apoxx) only.