Apple has launched iPhone 3GS in India market The iPhone 3GS 8GB device runs on iOS 4. The Apple iPhone 3GS support a 3.5 inch diagonal multi-touchscreen display with 480×320 pixel resolution, 3Mega Pixels camera, Video player, recording, music player .
The Apple iPhone 3GS is comes with Li-Ion standard battery for long standby, talk time, internet use, music and video playback. The iPhone 3GS weighs 115 gm only. Before buying this Apple iPhone 3GS 8GB price in india, feature and specification.
Apple iPhone 3GS 8GB Features and Specification :-
- Dimensions: 115.5×62.1×12.3 mm
- Supports multiple languages
- OS: iOS 4
- Display: 3.5 inch Diagonal multi-touch display
- 480×320 pixel resolution
- 3 megapixel camera
- 8GB storage
- Battery: Li-ion
- Music Player
- Standby time: up to 500 hours
- Talk time: Up to 5 hours on 3G, Up to 12 hours on 2G
- Video recording and playback
- Weight: 115 gram
- Wi-Fi, GPS, Digital compass
Apple iPhone 3GS 8GB Price in India :-
Apple iPhone 3GS 8GB available in India for Rs.19,990/- INR