Lenovo has launched it’s upcoming Thinkpad X121e laptop. The Lenovo ThinkPad X121e laptop runs on Windows 7 Professional OS and powered by Intel Core i3-2357 Processor.
Lenovo ThinkPad X121e has a 11.6-inch HD Display with 1366 x 768 Pixels screen resolution, 320GB HDD or 128GB SSD options, up to 6GB RAM, Webcam, Intel Sound, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, VGA, LAN, and powered by a standard battery for long backup.
Before buying this laptop here we will see all features, specification and price in India.
Lenovo ThinkPad X121e Features and Specification :
- OS: Windows 7 Professional OS
- Processor: Intel i3 processor
- AMD Fusion E-350 or AMD Fusion C-50 APU Chipset
- Display: 11.6-inch HD Display
- 1366 x 768 Pixels Screen Resolution
- 320GB HDD or 128GB SSD
- Battery Life: up to 8 hours
- Battery: 3/6 cell standard
- Card Reader, HDMI, VGA, LAN, USB ports
- Intel HD Audio
- Up to 6GB RAM
- Webcam with Mic
- Weight: 1.5 Kg
- Wi-Fi, Bluetooth connectivity
Lenovo ThinkPad X121e Price in India :-
not announced yet.