The Apple company has finally announced Apple iPhone 4 CDMA and it will be soon available in India with partnership with CDMA provider Reliance. Apple iPhone 4 CDMA will comes with same features like iPhone a Retina Display, 5MP camera, A4 CPU, and HD video recording.
Apple iPhone available in Black, White color and 16 GB Internal memory and up to 32 GB external memory support thrugh card slot. Apple iPhone 4 CDMA support Personal Hot Spot Option to connect up to 5 wireless devices.
Apple iPhone 4 CDMA also support Bluwtooth, Wi-Fi, and USB port. Before buying Apple iPhone 4 , we will discuss here some more features, specification and price in India.
Apple iPhone 4 CDMA Feature and Specification :-
- Apple iPhone 4 CDMA Features and Specs:
- Network: EVDO CDMA
- Display: Retina
- 16GB and 32GB Memory
- 5MP Camera
- New Antenna design
- Personal Hot Spot Option to connect up to 5 wireless devices
Apple iPhone 4 CDMA Price in India :-
Apple iPhone 4 CDMA available in India for Rs.36,000/- INR