
Thursday, 8 December 2011

Trademarks iPad Banned in China

IPAD Apple Inc. (Apple) has inspired the birth of different brands of tablet computers in the world.

However, the patent court in Shenzhen, China, actually forbids using a trademark of Apple iPad. The ban was thrown after Apple sued one of the Chinese companies, namely Proview Technology (Proview), alleging trademark iPad on the products they sell.

Apparently, the patent court in Shenzhen, they may reject the claim on the grounds Proview has used the trademark since 2000 and the iPad's name has been registered in the European Union, China, Mexico, South Korea, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam.

  Due to copyright infringement, the Preview sued Apple to pay 1.6 billion in October 2011. China is not the first country to sue Apple in patent infringement cases.

When it began marketing the iPhone in Canada in late 2007, the shipment had to be postponed due to a patent infringement case. Therefore, the iPhone trademark has been used for voice services based on Internet protocol .

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