Idea Blade Android smartphone recently launched in India. The Idea Blade powered by 600MHz processor and runs on Android 2.2 OS and available in india at Rs. 7,992/-.
The Idea Blade supports a 3.5-inch Touchscreen display with 480 x 800 pixels screen resolution, a 3 MP camera for high quality video recording and playback. The Idea blade Android Smartphone equipped with music player, speakers, 3.5 mm jack, 150MB internal memory and supports up to 32GB external memory through micro SD card. The smartphone supports USB, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth connectivity.
If you are looking for complete features and technical specifications of Idea Blade and Price in India ( including Bangalore, Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai and other cities in India), you are in right place. Please view complete details below before going to buy this mobile.
Idea Blade mobile Features and Specs :
- Dimensions: 116 x 56.5 x 11.8 mm
- Network: 3G
- OS: Android 2.2 OS
- Processor: 600MHz Processor
- Display: 3.5-inch Touchscreen Display
- 480 x 800 pixels screen resolution
- 150MB Internal storage
- 3.5 mm jack
- 3MP Camera
- Battery: Standard
- IM and Email Support
- Multi Format Music Player
- Pre-instaled Software and Applications
- Social Networking Integration
- up to 32GB external memory support
- USB, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth data conectivity
- Video recording & playback
- Weight: 130G
Idea Blade Price in India :
Rs. 7,992/- Price in India