Asus has recently launched Eee PC 101H Meego-Based netbook in Indian market with collaboration of Intel and Rcom. ASUS Eee PC 101H device runs on Meebo OS and powered by a 1.66GHz Intel Atom processor. This Smart netbook equipped with 10.1 inch display, a 250GB SATA HDD, pre-loaded with Open Office and 3-cell battery for up to 4 hours of battery life.
If you are know for complete features and technical specifications of ASUS Eee PC 101H and Price in India ( including Bangalore, Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai and other cities in India), you are in right place. Please view complete details below before going to buy this netbook.
ASUS Eee PC 101H Technical Features and Specification :-
- OS: Meebo OS
- Processor: 1.66GHz Intel Atom processor.
- Display: 10.1 inch display
- 250GB HDD
- Battery life: up to 4 hours
- Battery: 3-cell battery
- Pre-loaded Open Office
ASUS Eee PC 101H Price in India Rs. 12,499 in which Rs. 2,500 will be adjusted in Reliance modem bills.