Today we will discuss new Acer Aspire 5733, recently announced and launched by Acer in Indian market with various features and attractive price. This Laptop equipped with Linux OS and powered by 2.4Ghz Intel Core i3-370M Processor, 15.6 inch Led screen display, Digital Camera, 500GB HDD, 2GB DDR3 RAM, DVD Drive Music player.
If you are looking for complete features and technical specifications of Acer Aspire 5733, and Price in India ( including Bangalore, Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai and other cities in India), you are in right place. Please view complete details below before going to buy this laptop
Acer Aspire 5733 Features and Specification :-
- OS: Linux OS
- Processor: 2.4Ghz Intel Core i3-370M Processor
- Display: 15.6- inch LED Display
- 1366×768 pixels screen resolution
- 500GB HDD
- Battery: Standard battery.
- DVD drive
- Intel HD Graphics
- VGA, LAN, USB, HDMI ports
- Wi-Fi, Bluetooth
Acer Aspire 5733 Price in India Rs 23499/- INR