HP Folio 13 Ultrabook launched by HP in India. The HP Folio Ultrabook supports a 13.3-inch HD LED display with 1366 x 768 Pixel resolution. and comes with pre-installed with Windows 7 OS and is powered by choice of 1.4GHz Core i3 or 1.6GHz Core i5 Processors.
The HP Folio Laptop specification wise it comes with 4GB RAM , a 128GB SSD, Super Multi Optical Disk Drive, webcam, Mic in & Headphone out. This laptop also supports a Wi-Fi, Bluetooth enabled and features HDMI, LAN, 2USB and a VGA ports.
If you are looking for complete features and technical specifications of HP Folio 13 and Price in India ( including Bangalore, Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai and other cities in India), you are in right place. Please view complete details below before going to buy this mobile.
HP Folio 13 Specification :
- Dimensions:
- OS: Windows 7 OS
- Processor: 1.4GHz Core i3 or 1.6GHz Core i5 Processor
- Intel HM65 Express Chipset
- Display: 13.3-inch HD LED display
- 1366 x 768 Pixel resolution
- 128 GB SSD
- Battery life: NA
- Battery: 6 cell Standard
- Card ReaderWi-Fi, Bluetooth
- Dolby Advanced Audio
- HDMI, LAN, 2 USB, VGA ports
- Mic in & Headphone out
- Speakers: Internal Speakers
- Super Multi Optical Disk Drive
- Webcam
- Weight : 3.3 pounds
HP Folio 13 Price in India :
Rs. 45,500/- INR